API Reference

Now that we have the embedded_edit_url, we can show the document in the iFrame. We'll do this with using the SignWell JavaScript library.

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://static.signwell.com/assets/embedded.js"></script>

Note: If you need to use the "integrity" attribute in the JS script tag, make sure you use the most current hash that matches the embedded.js file. This file can and will change at times. You can dynamically retrieve the correct hash at this endpoint: https://static.signwell.com/assets/embedded.txt

Once you've added the SignWell JavaScript library to your website or web application, you'll use the following code to display the iFrame.

var signWellEmbed = new SignWellEmbed({
  url: '[embedded_signing_url here]',
  events: {
    completed: e => { 
      console.log('completed event: ', e) 
      //document successfully sent/completed
    closed: e => { 
      console.log('closed event: ', e) 
      //SignWell iFrame closed


There are multiple options and events you can use when creating the SignWellEmbed object.

url (string)This is your embedded edit URL. It's the only required option.
containerId (string)The default behavior will open a modal with the iFrame. Instead, using this option, you can pass an ID of a DOM object on your website where the iFrame will be embedded.
allowClose (boolean)Whether the document can be closed before a document has been updated and sent. Defaults to true.
requestingRedirectUrl (string)A URL where people will be redirected to after they finish updating the document.
start (string)Determines which step to show when the iFrame is opened.

Possible values:

document_view (Default)
* edit_files
type (string)In special cases where the person updating the document is the only person signing, this can be set to sign_and_share.

Most cases will use the default request_signature.
showHeader (boolean)Whether to show the header on the document view page when editing a document or template. Defaults to true.
events.completedCallback triggered when the document is successfully updated and sent.
events.iframeLoadedCallback triggered when the iFrame is loaded.
events.documentLoadedCallback triggered when the document is loaded.
events.closedCallback triggered when the iFrame is closed.
events.errorCallback triggered if there is an error.